Our Summer Scheme is now live with exciting activities and trips for everyone.

It’s here our Summer Scheme for 2024.

We are so pleased to offer our programme of activities to our young people this summer. It is with great thanks to the success of The Wheelbarrow Race that we have been able to provide this years Summer Scheme. If your son/daughter is interested in attending any of the activities, please thoroughly read our information provided below before placing a booking. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Young people can not attend without a completed consent form – one consent form covers all activities. Children under 9 cannot attend or take part in any activities without an adult. For every trip/activity young people must be booked on, this is essential as some of the trips/activities have limited spaces. All sessions are staffed by qualified and experienced Youth Workers with current DBS checks.

  • FORUM CINEMA  – Film: Inside Out 2. Transport is available for those that need it, please contact CYI for more details as there are limited spaces. Young people to meet at Forum Cinema for 10:30am. Bring money for food and refreshments. Young people to be collected at 12:45pm. 9+ only. £5.00. 
  • INSPIRED POTS – Young people to meet staff at CYI for 10:30am. Transport provided to and from Inspired Pots, Hexham by CYI staff. Young people to return to CYI Centre at 1:30pm. Lunch provided. 10+. £15.00
  • TENNIS DAY – Young people to meet staff at CYI at 11:30am. Staff will walk to and from the Tennis Club, Corbridge with young people. Staff and young people to return to CYI Centre for 2:30pm. Snacks and refreshments provided. 10+. Limited spaces. FREE. 
  • CYI – SPORTS DAY, TAYLOR SWIFT ERAS PARTY, COME COOK WITH US, GAMES AND PIZZA PARTY, BONFIRE AND S’MORES NIGHT, PYJAMMA AND MOVIE NIGHT – Young people to meet at centre for all activities including ones that will take place offsite. Snacks and refreshments provided. 9+. FREE. 
  • CRAFTS DAY – Young people to meet at centre. Snacks and refreshments provided. 9+. £5.00. 
  • HALTWHISTLE POOL PARTY –  MUST be able to swim 15 metres and be water confident.  Young people to meet at CYI for 1pm, staffed mini bus to and from Haltwhistle Leisure Centre. Will depart outside the centre at 1:15pm and return at 5:30pm. Must bring a packed lunch & drink or money to buy food and refreshments, towel and swimwear. 10+. Limited spaces. £10.00. 
  • SURF SCHOOL TRIPS  – MUST be able to swim 15 metres and water confident.  Young people to meet at CYI for 10:30am, staffed mini bus to and from South Shields Surf School. Will depart outside the centre at 10:45am and return at 3:30pm. Must bring a packed lunch, drink, towel and swimwear. Water suits and gear provided by the surf school.11+. Limited spaces. £15.00. 
  • FLAMINGOLAND TRIP – Under 11s must be accompanied by an adult. To meet outside The Angel, Corbridge with the coach leaving at 8am. Coach to and from Flamingoland, will return to drop off at 7:30pm.  Bring a packed lunch and drink or money to buy food and drinks at the park. Sensible footwear and outwear, we suggest bringing a bag and coat in case of rain and to keep mobile phones safe. Limited spaces. £26.00. Under 3’s free. 
  • OUTREACH – TEAM CYI will be visiting our local spaces regularly. 

To book text 07510 176 562 or inbox us on Facebook at Corbridge Youth Initiative.

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