About Us

For over twenty years our strong team of staff, trustees and volunteers have ensured young people in Corbridge have had somewhere to go and something to do.

Corbridge Youth Initiative first registered as a charity on 4th July 2002.
Before, youth services in Corbridge were provided by Northumberland Youth Service via Queen Elizabeth High School, Hexham. That support continued once the charity was set up until the Youth Service was cut in 2010/11.

During that time, we delivered two sessions per week as well as holiday trips and activities. Our services were delivered from a ‘hut’ in the grounds of Corbridge Middle School before moving to the Parish Hall and St Andrews Cottage due to the ‘hut’ being condemned for health and safety reasons.

We officially opened the Youth and Community Centre on 5th May 2012 after our local community raised funds to design, fit out and decorate the 1st Floor of the historical Methodist Chapel on Hill Street. Our centre is leased from Northumberland County Council for an annual rent in which we are responsible for internal decoration and contribution payments towards the energy costs.

Since then CYI has remained the sole provider of youth services in Corbridge.


At Corbridge Youth Initiative our mission is to provide services and support to young people in our community by ensuring they have somewhere to go and something to do. We aim to reduce rural isolation, improve emotional wellbeing, increase participation, reduce risk taking behaviours, increase confidence and self-esteem and enable young people to influence decision making.
Our purpose is to support the personal development and resilience of all young people. We do this through informal educational activities that help young people to achieve their individual potential and contribute positively to society.

In November 2022 young people, staff and trustees gathered with an external facilitator to plan and create a three-year strategy to work towards strengthening our future. The outcome of that meeting sees us working with the goal to operate under a new purpose: “To support the personal development of all young people, through informal educational activities, to help them, achieve their individual potential and contribute positively to society”.

At the heart of our charity is a hard working and passionate team of youth workers, trustees and volunteers who are committed to making a positive impact on the lives of young people.

Our current team is lead by our Project Coordinator Amber Robinson and includes sessional staff John Farrer, Cheryl Ross, Steph Brown, Kiera Jackson, Angela Clark and volunteers Esme McBurnie and Scarlett Armstrong.

Our organisation is looked after by a strong Board of Trustees, made up of local people from different walks of life who give up their time freely. The Board is chaired by Chairman Sean Soulsby and members William Cunnigham, Chris Nevis, Helen Mason, Karren Spowart, Lisa Deane, Steve Brailey and John Liddle. If you are interested in joining our active and well motivated Board of Trustees please contact us below.

All of us at CYI share the same goal – to empower, inspire and support those we work with. As individuals we each contribute our own set of unique skills and experiences to the vibrant and energetic environment our young people flourish in.
Together we unite to help our young people unlock their potential!

We believe we are more than just a team, we are a family advocating for young people in a safe, nurturing space where young people can develop new skills, build a bright future and inspire generations to come.


What We Do

To fulfil our aims and purpose our qualified and experienced staff team deliver a range of sessions to young people weekly.
Our weekly timetable includes six core sessions – Girls Group, four Junior Groups for Years 5 to 8 and a Senior Group for young people in Year 9 plus.

What We Offer

We extend our services offering positive and issue-based activities to all those in our community so that we reach the most vulnerable.
We have an Allotment to encourage young people to gain new skills with a practical and hands on approach.
Over the Summer Holidays our provision continues and offers a fun and entertaining programme of activities.

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